1969 - 1979 1980 Dodge Pickup 200 Flywheel Bell Housing


Auto Parts Everywhere Chardon, OH Business Hours (EST/EDT) Mon - Fri 8am - 5pm Closed Sat & Sun Flywheel Bell Housing Year: 1974 Model: DODGE PICKUP 200 Side: Type: Used Category: W Condition: VIN: Vehicle Stock #: OLDSTK Part Stock #: 0000037267 Additional notes: Aluminum. Timing 4 Degree Timing Window Interchange: 8-360 Also fits: DODGE PICKUP 100 SERIES 69-71 8 cylinder, 11" clutch DODGE PICKUP 100 SERIES 72-75 8-318 DODGE PICKUP 100 SERIES 72-80 8-360 DODGE PICKUP 100 SERIES 76-80 8-318, 11"...


Price: $ 158
Model: Dodge Pickup 200
Condition: Used
Location: 440**, Chardon, Ohio
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