Open Box Vf8000 Cabin Air Filter For Freightliner Fl112 Fl50 Fl60 Fl70 Fl80


Product Information Open Box VF8000 Cabin Air Filter For Freightliner FL112 FL50 FL60 FL70 FL80 Description / Notes:K33VF8000 eBay Terms of Use K&N Cabin Air Filter -- K&N PREMIUM CABIN AIR FILTER K&N’s line of washable replacement cabin air filters is designed to filter your incoming air using state-of-the-art filtration technology—protecting your vehicle’s occupants, interior, and HVAC system from pollutants and unpleasant odors. Engineered to be washable, reusable, and durab...


Price: $ 47
Condition: New Other (see Detai...
Location: , 48 States Only, United States
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